heyyyyyyyyyyyy............... its been so so so so so friggin long since i last posted anything over the internet,except some few anonymous comments on my batch's website...
since this is my first post for my own blog, i think its appropriate to "elucidate" y exactly have i chosen my blog to be SAW-TONG.BLOGSPOT.COM...hahahaha...yes guys,u did type on saw-tong.com!!!!! i know it sounds kinda horrendous,but its catchy!! wat the hell???LOL
plus there's no way ur gnna get noticed if u dont bitch^UP ur url ryte? hope u guys dont mind the language..
anyway,y did i decide on SAW-TONG???
1.it was basically a spontaneous idea that came out from my best fren's mouth...*just wondering if he thinks sotong suits my attributes??WTF?haha* hell no,i'm no squid-like material~
2. the word SAW would denote the experiences that i have gone through in my life n will undergo which i shall share in my blog... all these while ive been writing through my frenster account which obviously did get some attention*prasan jap*bt only viewed by my concerned frens...n i seriously think i have lots of opinions on various things, situations and scenarios which i often express only through verbal with my frens...blogging is exactly the platform that i need to express myself properly..among the things that i would consider and see myself writing in the future most probably are reviews;be it music,films,art shows, books, fashion, cars?? and of course tennis!! yeah... ,maybe opinions on serious matters such as politics, economy??hmmm...in short watever things that inspire me to write?fair enuff isnt it?
3. the word TONG, well actually according to the dictionary..it carries the meaning of a secret chinese association which organizes crime...mysterious isnt it??? would love to research on that soon..maybe a new post for that ? haha.... neways,i'd rather have my own intepretation of tong simply as TONG which is more like a box that i keep my postings!
4. SAW-TONG could also depict that 'sotong' creature which im sure if its masak sambal, goreng or bakar would induce the cephalic phase of each n everyone of us...multipurpose isnt it?? n yeah, i do love eating lots lots lots of sotong.... n i'd love to portray sotong as a multipurpose creature with numerous tentacles ...in which i think we must all be exactly like it...hahah...multipurpose, multitasking multitopics and everything multi in watever we do...*can't believe i'm actually babbling about sotong*
5. neways, all in all...i just love the url SAW-TONG.BLOGSPOT.COM as i'm not onli a multitasker, i intend to have MULTITOPICS on my blog and hopefully i will manage to promote MULTI DICUSSIONS with MULTI PEOPLE over the net~
till then~
sial,apsal susah sgt nk bagi komen kt jenglot nih
ReplyDeleteaku kn paksa bg komen oleh mama
ReplyDeletesutun pn ok jgak
ReplyDeletehate it or love it ppl~ haha
ReplyDeletejijik la lu bitch jenglot huduh nak mapuh. yg benar syapek
ReplyDeletedude saw-tong sounds stupid and silly
ReplyDeleteto anonymous...freedom of speech baby~ its wat i think i like..like hell i gv a damn wat u think?
ReplyDeletebest pe saw-tong..kn mama? :)
ReplyDeletehaha...thanx majin boo~
ReplyDeletesotong aka mama naik di permukaan air utk mengambil udara...ini fakta