hey all...i don't know y bt i'm really in a good mood today..n yesss,feelin so ABBA....hahaha
been listening to Mamma Mia's soundtrack..n lovin it!!! a lot!!! meryl streep is fabulous!!!!!!!!! she's truly a multitalented actress..her dancing, singing and acting capabilities r showcased wonderfully in Mamma Mia.... bt still her bitch-slap performance in devil wears prada is the most captivating ever!
haha....listening to my IPOD has never been so mood elevating ya'll!! honestly, wenever i tune in mix fm or light n easy while im driving..i happen to knw most of da oldies bein played on the radio..d thing is i dont recall knowing the artists nor the title of the songs!! i'm pretty sure wen i was a kid my sisters must have been listenin to lots of music n singing along wit me..hahah..
tp bile besa dah tak ingt kan?? chorus je yg ingt..haha..funny..missin mooze lar,we're always dancin n singin along in da car everytime old song r played!!!
so here's a video of meryl singin ABBA's super trouper, enjoy!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
i'm officially a lazy beeeeyotch ryte nw...haha...suppose to b studyin fr my end block xm,instead im here bloggin wit blurry vision.......
just last week i had LASIK done on my eyes...wit 2 other frens, rahim n jonny.. do enjoy this chronological picture post!!

kenapekah aku kelihatan seperti seorang nurse?hahaha...n jon seems 2 b in a coma...rahim tgh sebok chatting ngn Mr.Lim(tauke sarang burung yg suke berburu binatang yg wat LASIK dgn kiteorang) so xsmpt amik gmbr rahim...

wearing hot shades baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha...note: jon pose semata2,spek tu die tak beli lagi..ade price tag!!!rahim pinjam sunglass matpet..hikhik...
p/s mak rahim ade berpesan, dah ade vision baru jgn tgk bende tak elok.....jagalah penglihatan anda!!!sesungguhnya mata itu anugerah ALLAH yg priceless...
Australian Open Updates!

we'll looks like my AO predicted winners have both been ousted...murray onli managed to reach the fourth round while venus awal2 lagi dah terbabas in the 2nd!!!!
lookin at the current draw, i'm currently rooting for FEDERER n MARION BARTOLI!!! yeps, bartoli demolished world no 1. jankovic in just 2 sets..very impressive perfomance frm the frenchwoman!!!
seems like bartoli's repeating her wimbledon break-out once more!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Australian OPEN!!!
hey since australian open just started yesterday, who are ur picks for the 1st grand slam of the yr winners??
S.J.F 's picks
Men : Andy Murray

Women : Venus Williams

andy breezed into 2nd round without much sweat really,his opp retired 45mins after their match started due to back pain.........hm..bt sumhow,kesian kat fedex yg sek kalah je ngn murray...
venus steamrolled her opp 6-3,6-3 i think...
im in no favour to watch the 1st rounds...the matches r often dull n nt challenging..
wt bt u guys?...TATA
heyaaa...since i'm currently nt in the mood to do anything pd petang panas yg sungguh memeningkn,i figured i'd rather write sumthin on my blog...most of my petangs r usually filled wit 2-3hours of laziness..yes i love sleeping after asar!! which is a already becoming a daily routine that's bad!!!!!
so im sure everyone knows da word of anonymous isnt it?? yess...we all love to flaunt our ideas n opinions to any posts or wenever there's any platform to do it..however,do we really have the guts to express opinions wit ppl knowing who u r?? .....i don't think so....at least thats wat some visitors have done in my blog...
11th-colony.blogspot.com...my batch's blog certainly has suffered from anonymous attacks by a whole bunch of monkeys!!! honestly, i look forward to postings on my batch's blog that enrich my knowledge and intellect...however the current condition is indeed pathetic... anonymous comments are posted almost every hours following to the main postings...just take a look at the chatbox...ppl r making a huge fuss over gossips which may nt even turn out 2 b true....bt hey,internet provides an anonymous gateway fr ppl who r chicken shit to reveal who they r......ppl favour goin incognito as they are able to become cynics.... sarcastic statements that r beautifully written are bombarded relentlessly....

i love characters like whilemina slater from the show ugly betty n miranda frm the devil wears prada...eventho they r women, they hv the balls to say watever they please...n their sarcasm r often assaulting enough to make their staffs pee in their pants! n Tun Mahathir, eventho i don't always agree with his views bt i like his cynical and sarcastic approach...n he's gt the courage to speak his mind ,defend his views n stand by it!!! n certainly he's nt afraid of wat ppl might think of him in regards to his views...

ppl often loveeeeeeeeee to criticize others wen they're unknown...... shows like gossip girls *eventho i enjoy the show* somehow is degrading..gossips r posted anonymously...n a whole lot of ppl wud suddenly be the talk of the town...all due to anonymous posts~
malaysians have been accustomed to menjaga hati org lain...never to hurt other ppls feelings due to adab kesopanan n kesusilaan n watever bullshit there is...bt i beg to differ, if u have views on somethin...dont b afraid to express them...do it in a diplomatic, polite n respecful manner.. n most importantly, have the balls to reveal ur identity!!!!!!! most ppl r bein hypocrites merely becoz they're afraid of being judged!!!

p/s gossips as sleazy as they seem, r fun to hear..............................

Friday, January 16, 2009
Review: Budak Kelantan

just wanna share with y'all ,yesterday aku tengoklah crite budak kelantan bersame2 ketua study grup aku,abg omar kasule kite..hahaha....so nak tahukah best ke tak crite tu?
da answer is OKLA...bole thn...
yess i knw im no big fan of malay movies,but since i had nothin to do dat day n omar happened to b watchin it on his laptop so i joined him..n ya'll skrg ni malaysia tgh kemiskinan cerita mat salleh ok!!!!! takde satu hapek pun cite omputeh yg best!!! lagipun kite kn kene boikot israel*i dont see the relevance there*hahaha but i ended up nt gettin dissapointed over watchin it...
regarding the language,of course dialect kelantan digunakan for the whole entire movie...n english subtitle was provided..somehow muvie tu ws recorded on astro...sah2 la ade subtitle kan... but i understood the dialect around 70percent kot!bein around kelantanese does help my apprehension!
so plot die actually very simple,kelantense livin in kl...n of course 2 sides of kelantenese ppl were shown...those yg dah sesat gile n bwt jahat gile...characternye rep by JAHAR..n lagi sorang tu OCET,name bajet jambu..so amikla hero jambu danny xfactor...danny ni budak baik lah kan....
surprisingly, i find this movie somehow on par wit sepet*nt all ppl,matila yasmin marah haku sbb samekan muvie die yg menang awards bertimbun2 dgn muvie unknown nih*...tp betul,tak tipu....mcm real gile mamat jahar tu blkon jadi jahat!!!! n diorang pun tak over acting...acting sgt natural!!! danny x factor yg jambu itu, berlakon agak plastik...mcm straighttt je berlakon...but i think bcoz of the dialect his acting was believable la kot...
tgh2 best2 layan cite tu...dgn jahar yg tgh jahat2...tibe2 die nak jadi baik sbb tertekel awek ocet yg cute tu*played by bienda tembam*...
PART NI YANG TAK BOLE BELAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! suddenly the movie plot didnt make any sense as ocet wanted to give away cik nora*Bienda* to Jahar as he thinks that cik nora might b a good guidance for jahar to menuju lorong2 keinsafan....pdhl ocet knows jahar too well that he of course fucks around n depreciate prmpuan*adekah kewujudan word itu?*
n ending pun tak make sense sgt...jahar mati ms kene kejar polis n jatuh moto n trus mati???WTF????? tak kene gilis lori pun bang!
tp part yg best psl BUDAK KELANTAN yg bermoral sikit ialah bile ocet tu nak smyg n jahar suh kwn die yg jahat jugak berenti kat masjid...ocet pegila smyg kan...kwn die ckp "tak america dahla,saing ngn budak sejid" dlm erti kata lain..awak ni dah tak american la,kawan ngn bdk masjid or budak baik... but jahar dgn machonye berkata" walaupun kite jahat,jgn sekat org nk wat kebaikan"
i think thats the best part of da muvie... was enjoyin it almost 3/4 but then the final 1/4 was hampeh!! endin pun ngarut...tibe2 cik nora hilang ntah di mana..n danny or ocet dpt awek baru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trailer: Budak Kelantan (amareka version) from Manggis TV on Vimeo.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Positive OutLOOK~
hola ppl...been a few days since i last wrote anything huh...still waiting for serious visitors to my blog n actually post up decent comments!!! so in need to flaunt this bloody blog..haha
well,after almost a week of never ending determination in lookin for any concert goer*is that even rite?* ive given up in lookin!!!!! yes,rm 158 a tix has definitely taken its toll on everyone!!!
eye popping price huh??neways, i called my mum just now and actually asked her bt goin to yet another show at istana budaya...the Puteri Gunung Ledang musical theather Season 3...don't know y ive been planning so many things after my upcomin end block examination,scared of hibernating at home i guess!!! she came up wit somethin juicyyyyyyyy yet so so so pivotal!
since this is a private blog n i'm obviously unknown by the media, i think i can get away with spilling this...haha.... mum told me that tiara,the leading actress actually buys and drinks alcohol..*source= sis in law who's always up to date wit gossips*...considering her resource is reliable, i think the detail is of credible value!
so there she was lecturing me about abundance of bounties that we have been bestowed with by Allah...n most importantly y spend money that will be used by the receiving party to buy things that are haram? *DANG* there i was.....shocked and tergamam seketika....
sometimes we human,never realize in order to entertain ourselves we plunge into decisions that might actually lead us astray from the right path and far away from Allah's blessing...erks....got caught up right there n then!!!!
so the rationale of goin to rihanna's concert has been clearly ascertained!!!!
so i ended up buying a perfume which ive been craving for quite sometime that's actually more expensive that rihanna's tix!!!!hahahah....damn, i so need to budget my allowance...goin broke soon!
hmm.........bt i can't possibly just throw away britney's london tix this upcomin may that ive already bought a month ago rite?....thats absurd~ hehe......oh pls 4give me for just once!
well,after almost a week of never ending determination in lookin for any concert goer*is that even rite?* ive given up in lookin!!!!! yes,rm 158 a tix has definitely taken its toll on everyone!!!
eye popping price huh??neways, i called my mum just now and actually asked her bt goin to yet another show at istana budaya...the Puteri Gunung Ledang musical theather Season 3...don't know y ive been planning so many things after my upcomin end block examination,scared of hibernating at home i guess!!! she came up wit somethin juicyyyyyyyy yet so so so pivotal!
since this is a private blog n i'm obviously unknown by the media, i think i can get away with spilling this...haha.... mum told me that tiara,the leading actress actually buys and drinks alcohol..*source= sis in law who's always up to date wit gossips*...considering her resource is reliable, i think the detail is of credible value!
so there she was lecturing me about abundance of bounties that we have been bestowed with by Allah...n most importantly y spend money that will be used by the receiving party to buy things that are haram? *DANG* there i was.....shocked and tergamam seketika....
sometimes we human,never realize in order to entertain ourselves we plunge into decisions that might actually lead us astray from the right path and far away from Allah's blessing...erks....got caught up right there n then!!!!
so the rationale of goin to rihanna's concert has been clearly ascertained!!!!
so i ended up buying a perfume which ive been craving for quite sometime that's actually more expensive that rihanna's tix!!!!hahahah....damn, i so need to budget my allowance...goin broke soon!
hmm.........bt i can't possibly just throw away britney's london tix this upcomin may that ive already bought a month ago rite?....thats absurd~ hehe......oh pls 4give me for just once!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
RiHannA's Disturbia~
hola ppl...
yes i'm disturbed indeed!!! for the whole friggin day yesterday i was contacting almost everyone whom i considered 'party ppl' to go to rihanna's concert this comin february...
with high hopes i expected two of my frens to say yesss to my invite,but in the end rm158 for a ticket proved to be too extreme n they eventually declined...then i called almost everyone i had in my mind who would wanna go....yes ppl,almost everybody in this world!!!!! but then all of em declined eventually.... gosh,am i suppose to go alone or wat? its freakin rihanna ppl~ urghs.....not dangdut or watever hideous acts!
isnt there any one out there who'd wanna go wit me?
isnt there any one out there who'd wanna go wit me?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Blessing Vs Luxury?
since today is the first day that ive started writing my own blog, i'd rather begin with the issue of palestine vs isreal in the middle east that is close to our hearts...
all these while ive heard of stories of palestinian's sufferings and oppression by the jews..but ive somehow never taken it seriously or ever tried to know the real situation there...bt not today or ever....
we all have somehow been touched by seeing the pictures of children, women and palestinians getting hurt,injured n covered with blood in atrocious settings...n we are very fortunate to be living in malaysia where it is peaceful eventhough there r corruptions everywhere in this country...perhaps one day if our leaders remain selfish n abandon their obligations malaysia will be like palestine eh??? nauzubillah... anyhow, i regret that before this i never really cared about their sufferings n wanted to know our muslim brothers and sister's condition there..bt alhamdulillah, wit a lil bit of maturity and rational thinking and after listening to so many stories and news through various resources..ive come to a state where i knw, i must do something to ensure that ppl around me are happy as i am...and as comfortable as i am...
wat touched me the most was an article shown by one of my lecturers during her class regarding the washington post's article on the battle... they were comparing that the suffering of israel and palestinian's civilians r the same...2 pics of a palestinian and israelian mother holding their child in distress were published xcept that the palestinian child was obviously wounded,with scars while the israelian child was merely wailing due to stress....WTF???? obviously the west is crazy!!!the palestinian mother according to my lecturer has lost 3 other kids...is it actually fair portray that both countries suffer the same predicament?? isreal obviously has the power and great influence over the world...i'm nt someone who is very knowledgeable about the world political scenarios...but i am a human and a muslim, how could i not get devastated over such unfair portrayal?
that's when i start realizing that the west will never ever look up to muslims...this has been such a conformity in the world where muslims are labeled as terrorists and associated with abundance of other hideous practises... y couldn't ppl of the world realize how oppressive the jews are? killing hundreds of civilians in palestines? they are not even equipped with monstrous military technology which can threaten the israel.. miss world might sound lame by uttering "WORLD PEACE" all the time, but that is what we need..understanding among the ppl of the world is a million miles away...
ive seen an interview on bbc or somethin in which a hamas rep was bein interviewed by this snobbish mat salleh who kept on blaming hamas for their profuse self-kill bombings...bt how can we muslims not retaliate wen our homes are destroyed everyday? our holy land is being bulldozed every day? isnt there any bit of emotions or empathy toward the muslims' sufferings? israel which is a monster would obviously kill more people in the palestine which is considered only an "ikan bilis" with nothing equipped...nt even support from bloody USA mind u!
i myself am trying to improve by reading more and asking more about the history of the palestinian war...one thing that i knw of,is that Allah has cursed the jews in Quran..as long as they live in this world,a drop of happiness and blessings by Allah shall nt be bestowed upon them...ive done my bit of support by goin to the demo held by IIUM this afternoon and carrying an "EXTERMINATE PIGS =ISRAEL" banner...haha...
so u guys out there, if ur a student like me...y dont we boycott israelian products and companies and start doin our bit to relief and alleviate the palestinian's pain...do not think over losing our luxury of eating mcd*opss which i love to* as unbearable!!!!
p/s : i would love to change the lyrics of britney's Womanizer to Humanizer!!!!!
all these while ive heard of stories of palestinian's sufferings and oppression by the jews..but ive somehow never taken it seriously or ever tried to know the real situation there...bt not today or ever....
we all have somehow been touched by seeing the pictures of children, women and palestinians getting hurt,injured n covered with blood in atrocious settings...n we are very fortunate to be living in malaysia where it is peaceful eventhough there r corruptions everywhere in this country...perhaps one day if our leaders remain selfish n abandon their obligations malaysia will be like palestine eh??? nauzubillah... anyhow, i regret that before this i never really cared about their sufferings n wanted to know our muslim brothers and sister's condition there..bt alhamdulillah, wit a lil bit of maturity and rational thinking and after listening to so many stories and news through various resources..ive come to a state where i knw, i must do something to ensure that ppl around me are happy as i am...and as comfortable as i am...
wat touched me the most was an article shown by one of my lecturers during her class regarding the washington post's article on the battle... they were comparing that the suffering of israel and palestinian's civilians r the same...2 pics of a palestinian and israelian mother holding their child in distress were published xcept that the palestinian child was obviously wounded,with scars while the israelian child was merely wailing due to stress....WTF???? obviously the west is crazy!!!the palestinian mother according to my lecturer has lost 3 other kids...is it actually fair portray that both countries suffer the same predicament?? isreal obviously has the power and great influence over the world...i'm nt someone who is very knowledgeable about the world political scenarios...but i am a human and a muslim, how could i not get devastated over such unfair portrayal?
that's when i start realizing that the west will never ever look up to muslims...this has been such a conformity in the world where muslims are labeled as terrorists and associated with abundance of other hideous practises... y couldn't ppl of the world realize how oppressive the jews are? killing hundreds of civilians in palestines? they are not even equipped with monstrous military technology which can threaten the israel.. miss world might sound lame by uttering "WORLD PEACE" all the time, but that is what we need..understanding among the ppl of the world is a million miles away...
ive seen an interview on bbc or somethin in which a hamas rep was bein interviewed by this snobbish mat salleh who kept on blaming hamas for their profuse self-kill bombings...bt how can we muslims not retaliate wen our homes are destroyed everyday? our holy land is being bulldozed every day? isnt there any bit of emotions or empathy toward the muslims' sufferings? israel which is a monster would obviously kill more people in the palestine which is considered only an "ikan bilis" with nothing equipped...nt even support from bloody USA mind u!
i myself am trying to improve by reading more and asking more about the history of the palestinian war...one thing that i knw of,is that Allah has cursed the jews in Quran..as long as they live in this world,a drop of happiness and blessings by Allah shall nt be bestowed upon them...ive done my bit of support by goin to the demo held by IIUM this afternoon and carrying an "EXTERMINATE PIGS =ISRAEL" banner...haha...
so u guys out there, if ur a student like me...y dont we boycott israelian products and companies and start doin our bit to relief and alleviate the palestinian's pain...do not think over losing our luxury of eating mcd*opss which i love to* as unbearable!!!!
p/s : i would love to change the lyrics of britney's Womanizer to Humanizer!!!!!
Start of something NEW~

heyyyyyyyyyyyy............... its been so so so so so friggin long since i last posted anything over the internet,except some few anonymous comments on my batch's website...
since this is my first post for my own blog, i think its appropriate to "elucidate" y exactly have i chosen my blog to be SAW-TONG.BLOGSPOT.COM...hahahaha...yes guys,u did type on saw-tong.com!!!!! i know it sounds kinda horrendous,but its catchy!! wat the hell???LOL
plus there's no way ur gnna get noticed if u dont bitch^UP ur url ryte? hope u guys dont mind the language..
anyway,y did i decide on SAW-TONG???
1.it was basically a spontaneous idea that came out from my best fren's mouth...*just wondering if he thinks sotong suits my attributes??WTF?haha* hell no,i'm no squid-like material~
2. the word SAW would denote the experiences that i have gone through in my life n will undergo which i shall share in my blog... all these while ive been writing through my frenster account which obviously did get some attention*prasan jap*bt only viewed by my concerned frens...n i seriously think i have lots of opinions on various things, situations and scenarios which i often express only through verbal with my frens...blogging is exactly the platform that i need to express myself properly..among the things that i would consider and see myself writing in the future most probably are reviews;be it music,films,art shows, books, fashion, cars?? and of course tennis!! yeah... ,maybe opinions on serious matters such as politics, economy??hmmm...in short watever things that inspire me to write?fair enuff isnt it?
3. the word TONG, well actually according to the dictionary..it carries the meaning of a secret chinese association which organizes crime...mysterious isnt it??? would love to research on that soon..maybe a new post for that ? haha.... neways,i'd rather have my own intepretation of tong simply as TONG which is more like a box that i keep my postings!
4. SAW-TONG could also depict that 'sotong' creature which im sure if its masak sambal, goreng or bakar would induce the cephalic phase of each n everyone of us...multipurpose isnt it?? n yeah, i do love eating lots lots lots of sotong.... n i'd love to portray sotong as a multipurpose creature with numerous tentacles ...in which i think we must all be exactly like it...hahah...multipurpose, multitasking multitopics and everything multi in watever we do...*can't believe i'm actually babbling about sotong*
5. neways, all in all...i just love the url SAW-TONG.BLOGSPOT.COM as i'm not onli a multitasker, i intend to have MULTITOPICS on my blog and hopefully i will manage to promote MULTI DICUSSIONS with MULTI PEOPLE over the net~
till then~
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