Today has certainly been an eventful day fr me..started like an unusual saturday as i gt up quite early n ready to campus!! well, mainly because i attended a very interesting interfaith dialogue in regards to the concept of god based on holy scriptures..
So the event had like 4 reps of different religions; islam, christianity, buddhism and hindu.. ive never been to any dialogues concerning topic like comparitive religions so i was really lookin forward to this dialogue...the dialogue went smoothly without any hot debates or any tense moments really..figured cz it was more of a peaceful dialogue n nt a debate..so went there with an open mind n i personally just wanted to know wat other religions were offering..
at the end of the day, the message that i gt across was this... no matter wat differences uve gt, rejoice the similarities and do not disagree on the differences..we should embrace one another to ensure harmony and solidarity.. wahhh, ayat very da rukun negara..haha...
n im sure all of us in many facets of our lives have done soul searching rite? there must b a moment wen u think of god n all of the wellness uve gt in ur life n who sustains them? n tday, after listening to the arguments and points made during the dialogue..all of the other religions share the same divine source of power which was Allah the Almighty..
wat i have understood was that, Allah is the creator of this world who has originated creations at the first place.. n given the freedom for us to think n decide wisely based on our intellect.. lets say we humans were the creator, wud u b giving your creations the freedom to do watever it wants? including bein rebellious n goin against you a sthe creator? would u love that? i dont think i personally wud favor that..i f i were to create something,i'd make sure my creation wud do as i say..wud follow me n never to object me by any means...
But Allah the Merciful God has given us the intellectual aspect of our minds to actually choose to obey or disobey him..isnt He great? n so patient? imagine how many humans that he created have gone astray, have been disloyal to his commands...n yet He continues to create more of our kind every second of our everyday lives? if i were the creator, i would STOP!!!!! y wud i need so much trouble of wanting to care abt organism that cause me trouble? that destroys my earth? my other creations in fact!!
Using our logical minds, it is proven that u don't need to b that smart to cherish your life by fulfilling wat Allah wants..he's given us the guidance in the Quran of the do's n don'ts..bt often we use our intellectuality to cause chaos an catastrophe along our journey in the middle earth... y must we do this? y must we disobey our creator who actually knws the fact that we can be so injustice in embracing him n yet he brought us to life?? i must say that it touched me in many ways by asking myself all these... i feel so much closer to him by lookin at my sins...n yet he still sustains my lifespan..yet i have the materials that i demand..i still pass my exam..i still have my parents n my family... n for such a sinful idiot like me to have all these wonderful things in life, is it fair??? OBVIOUSLY THE ANSWER IS NO!!! but Allah still loves me... flourish my life with love and all the things i need along the way.... n yet ive been ungrateful to him in many ways...
Mankind has been ungrateful, as to alter Allah's revelations.. n that is why today we have religions claiming to have 330million mirrors of Allah's form as preserved in statues... to have a religion that states Allah has a son? n his son is God that is similar to Allah? n yet the son prays to Allah eventho he's god? does this make any sense?
buddhism seem to b a nice religion which inculcate oneself to reach the Buddha level internally..n how do u reach this? by having such a purified way of thinking n always associating peace, cooperation n justice in our judgments thay may affect us n others... as tranquil as it may sound.. this religion does not cover every aspect of our lives...wat abt other issues like marriage? business and others? is there any guidance in those other things? islam on the other hand covers all aspect of our lives...be it in morality just like reaching buddha or science to that matter...
at the end of the day, i have truly found the place where my physical and emotional soul should be attached to...which is to embrace Allah and stay loyal to Islamic teachings.....